Are mangoes good for you?

Most of us decide how much to enjoy a particular fruit based on a variety of factors related to texture, appearance, firmness, year-round availability and of course taste. Mangoes fit well with many of these considerations, as evidenced by their considerable popularity and continued profitability.

For example, in 2023, the global mango market was worth more than $63 billion – which is expected to rise to more than $89 billion by the end of 2028, according to one market report.

Top of the list of many factors that make mangoes so enduringly popular is that they have the highest natural sugar content of all fruits, and they are very sweet. “Their incredible sweetness makes them appealing as a topping and ingredient in a variety of recipes, including mango salsa, sticky rice, mango chicken, smoothies, yogurt, soups and salads,” says Kristen Smith, registered dietitian and spokesperson. Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

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